Claim Your Maps
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  • I've implemented the first stage of map ownership. The system works under the same pending changes concept. You can find a map on the site, and either fill out the author, or select "I am the author of this map". This will still require approval by our moderation team.

    If you are filling in the author manually, please keep in mind that you can now associate it with actual accounts on Nibbits. Keep in mind this requires JavaScript, but when you enter a name you should get a small auto completion menu. Select the user (or ignore the box) to associate your input with that user. If you change anything in the box this value will be reset.

    Now, once you've obtained ownership of a map, you will no longer need to wait in the pending changes queue. You can click edit and your changes will be made immediately.

    For the future, we plan to implement project-map ownership. This is still draft form, but the idea is that if your map is 80% similar (possibly in the name) we automatically give you ownership of the newly added map.


    Have feedback about Let me know!
  • Please note that I've also added " Profiles" to your acount (Click Dashboard up top). This lets you fill in your BNet account details. You can add multiple accounts as well.

    This information is shown when people search for you under the author field, and will soon be shown on comments and forum posts (similar to how anonymous users show).

    Have feedback about Let me know!
  • I do not understand how to claim my series of BattleShips Pro maps. Please help! Also, how do I turn them into a hosted project?

  • I now see that BattleShips Pro maps v1.195 - v1.199 have been added to my profile. I am still missing versions v1.188, v1.189, v1.190, v1.191, v1.192, v1.192b, v1.193, and v1.194. Possibly this is because I did not specify my name as the author in the map (I honored the original author at the time), but I did mention that I edited the map in the map's description. Also, how do I turn this series into a hosted project?

  • I automatically transferred all matching usernames (for authors) as owners, thats probably why you gained access.

    In regards to claiming others, simple go to the map, click edit, and mark "I am the author of this map" and hit save.

    It will require approval by us, but obviously we'll grant that quickly :)

    Have feedback about Let me know!
  • bnet 2.0 (at least for sc2) will have its own map store, including premium maps.
    They will cover the map ownership stuff themselves.


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